Monday, June 30, 2008

Kelantan Demystify

Kelantan, a state on the East Coast of the Malaysian Peninsular is a very interesting state. Right from the people, culture, politics, entrepreneurship and food, Kelantan definitely has been the discussion points in many occasions, formally or otherwise.

This blog is dedicated to discuss issues relating to Kelantan from my perspective as a Kelantanese who now lives in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. As visitors to this blog, you are also invited to share your thoughts, views and ask any questions regarding Kelantan, the state that is also known as the Cradle of the Malay Culture.


Anonymous said...

I am from Kelantan..
Proud to be one... I once heard a story from a cousin of mine about how a person are so defensive in saying that she's not kelantanese...I quote some of the dialogs:

The girl : Hi, my name is Nik ...., but i'm not kelantanese okay? It's juz the 'Nik' and .....

My cousin: Hi, my name is Nik .... and i'm proud to be a Kelantanese... :)

Thanx to my cousin...
SO, my point is why on earth some of Malaysian are so proudly say things like that...
Kelantan like you said has been the discussion points in many occasions, from politics, culture to how congested the traffic is during Hari Raya or any public holiday...
Kelantan may not be urban enough but i believe most kelantanese like it to remain that way... Some may think that it is a very 'conservative' thought...
Hmmm, miss my hometown so much...

Aiman Ariffin said...

yeah I heard the same thing too. I don't know why they would feel ashamed for. Anyhow, I'm looking forward in reading issues in Kelantan from you :)

Pok Nik said...

Lamo tok balik Kelate, rasanya abe Nik asal dok tame Guru...bangga jadi anak jati Kelate..

Penyiasat said...

dear nik,

good work! Very interesting as I am from Kelantan too.

akhbar satar

acfe malaysia chapter